
Replicating large eukaryotic genomes presents the challenge of distinguishing replicated regions of DNA from unreplicated DNA. A heterohexamer of minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins is essential for the initiation of DNA replication. MCM proteins are loaded on to unreplicated DNA before replication begins and displaced progressively during replication. Thus, bound MCM proteins license DNA for one, and only one, round of replication and this licence is reissued each time a cell divides. MCM proteins are also the best candidates for the replicative helicases that unwind DNA during replication, but interesting questions arise about how they can perform this role, particularly as they are present on only unreplicated DNA, rather than clustered at replication forks. Although MCM proteins are bound and released cyclically from DNA during the cell cycle, higher eukaryotic cells retain them in the nucleus throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, MCMs are broken down when cells exit the cycle by quiescence or differentiation. We have exploited these observations to develop screening tests for the common carcinomas, starting with an attempt to improve the sensitivity of the smear test for cervical cancer. MCM proteins emerge as exceptionally promising markers for cancer screening and early diagnosis.

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