
Smaller and smaller semiconductor integrated circuits are being designed. Traditional semiconductor fabrication processes are still extremely effective. However, these methods' effectiveness will come to a halt as components shrink to atomic size. Quantum physics then start to govern device behavior. Thus a radical shift, hence upheaval (change is never easy), in computing is a foregone conclusion. But the resulting quantum computers will be tremendously powerful. As our circuits become smaller, the heat they generate becomes harder to control. Much of this heat is a result of the logic function itself, rather than simple resistive dissipation. Therefore, new forms of logic must be considered. Conservative reversible logic (CRL) can reduce the problem of energy dissipated due to logic functions and can be utilized to build quantum computers. Before that can happen, research must be done on how to utilize these gates. Also, a usable synthesis process must be designed. Unparalleled computing power, power savings, and resources are being uncovered. The paper discusses CRL-based gates. They are only models, but models must exist to meet the technology developments required to build quantum computers.

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