
This paper presents a study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Miranda-Treviño Synclinorium (Basque-Cantabric basin) where two main sequences have been recognised; the lower is regressive and theupper one has a marked transgressive trend. They are separated by a low angled un-conformity which is indicative of the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary. The lower sequence (S1) indicates a clear transition between the shoreface and backshore sub-environments. Bone accumulations are located in the sandy sediments of the upper foreshore and backshore, associated with ferrugenous hardgrounds and gypsum efflorescences. The upper sequence (S2) indicates the beginning of a marine transgression. It is composed a dominantly carbonate-rich sediments and the fauna suggests a deposition in environmental conditions ranging from stenohaline, to littoral, and to a coastal lagoon and inner carbonaterich platform. In the lower sequence (Maastrichtian Unit S 1 U 3), the following herpetofauna have been identified; an eusuchian alligator, and two dinosaurs (an ornithopod and a sauropod). Several plates of chelonia have been identified as? Adocus sp.

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