
In this paper we discuss ongoing classroombased research promoting realistic ways of maintaining creativity within the demands of the fashion industry. The project fosters and replenishes the creative spirit, helping students realize the importance of maintaining inventiveness Fashion design carries an aura of spontaneous creativity, yet the business of fashion is less about abstracted creativity and innovation and more the needs of the marketplace. Maintaining, generating, and developing creativity is a common challenge for designers, where the initial stage of design may be examining last season’s spreadsheets Students faced with the reality of the business of fashion frequently wonder how creative vision can work within industry. Helping fashion students learn the pragmatic demands and challenges of the workplace is the only responsible option if educators are to prepare them for rewarding careers, yet students may feel overwhelmed or out of touch with the creativity essential to a rewarding practice as a result. Our “Creative Well” project presents an innovative approach to nurturing the creative spirit.

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