
St. Thomas Aquinas clearly recognized two kinds of theology, namely, that of the philosophers, which is metaphysical, and that based upon divine revelation, which is doctrine ( sacra doctrina ). However, both philosophical and sacred theology has different subjects and relate to God in different ways. Sacred theology has God and divine things as the subject to which it seems immediately to relate. In the case of sacred theology, God will be the subject of the science, which will then go on with the help of revelation to consider his nature and attributes. In a comparable way, the great admiral of theology, St. Thomas Aquinas, by way of removal from his starting points in the being of creatures could fix with truth, after truth, his position and direction on the ocean of theological discourse, without needing directly to know his intellectual landfall or ultimate truthmaker, that is, God in himself. Keywords:God; philosophers; sacred doctrine; sacred theology; St. Thomas Aquinas; theology

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