
Aim:to analyze the results of the regional center for the creation and maintenance of vascular access for hemodialysis.Materials and methods.We performed a retrospective analysis. In five years (2012–2016) we performed 3,837 different operations on vascular access (VA) in 1,862 patients.Results.There is a strong dependence of type VA and the cause of CKD 5D. At the time of the HD start, the proportion of arteriovenous fistula (AVF), synthetic vascular graft (SVG) and central venous catheter (CVC) was 73.7, 0.3 and 26% for glomerulonephritis; 58.4, 0.4 and 41% for pyelonephritis; 53, 1 and 26% for diabetes mellitus; 32, 8 and 60% for polycystic disease and 33, 2 and 65% for systemic processes, respectively. After one year on HD the shares of AVF, SVG and CVC were 89, 2 and 9% for glomerulonephritis; 76, 6 and 18% of pyelonephritis; 70, 5 and 25% for diabetes mellitus; 68, 10 and 22% for polycystic disease and 53, 5 and 42% for systemic processes, respectively. In a case of start of HD via AVF, five years survival was 61% [95% CI 51.8; 71.9]; in a case of start HD via CVC with followed by conversion to AVF – 53.9% [95% CI 42.5; 67]; in a case of CVC remained the only access – 31.6% [21.4; 41.4]. Non-maturation of AVF was observed in 5.9% of new AVF (the risk increased in a case of diabetes mellitus), early thrombosis (before the first use of AVF) was observed in 12.7% of new AVF (the risk increased with diabetes, polycystic and systemic diseases). Creation of AVF a week before the start of HD or 1–2 weeks later significantly increased the risk of thrombosis. Primary patency in a year, three and five years was 77.2% (95% CI 71.7; 81.7); 48% (95% CI 41.6, 54.1); 34.1% (95% CI 27.8, 40.5) respectively; secondary patency – 87% [95% CI 83.7; 89.7]; 74.4% [95% CI 70.3; 78,12]; 60.9% [95% CI 56.4; 65.1] respectively. The use of temporary CVC is associated with a three-fold increase of the risk of infection compared with permanent CVC: IRR 3,31 (2,46; 4,43), p < 0,0001.Conclusion.A more detailed analysis is required to identify risk factors for complications of vascular access and to optimize approaches to its creation and maintenance.


  • The creaTiOn anD MainTenance Of VaScular acceSS fOr chrOnic heMODialYSiS in The MOScOW reGiOn: a fiVe-Year eXPerience Of a reGiOnal cenTer

  • In a case of start of HD via arteriovenous fistula (AVF), five years survival was 61% [95% CI 51.8; 71.9]; in a case of start HD via central venous catheter (CVC) with followed by conversion to AVF – 53.9% [95% CI 42.5; 67]; in a case of CVC remained the only access – 31.6% [21.4; 41.4]

  • Non-maturation of AVF was observed in 5.9% of new AVF, early thrombosis was observed in 12.7% of new AVF

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МАтериАлЫ и МетОдЫ

За пять лет (2012–2016 гг.) мы выполнили 3837 различных операций на сосудистом доступе у 1862 пациентов (2951 госпитализация). Основой для составления базы данных была систематизированная информация об оперативных вмешательствах, полученная из «Медицинской информационной системы ЛПУ «Эверест» версии 15.3» (ЗАО «АИТ-холдинг»). Это позволило достоверно проследить катамнез пациентов в отношении сосудистого доступа. При отсутствии последующей информации больные были цензурированы на момент последних достоверных данных. Пол (м/ж) Возраст, лет Срок на ГД (на конец 2016 года), месяцы Причины ХБП:. – гломерулонефрит – пиелонефрит – сахарный диабет – поликистоз почек – системные процессы. К группе системных процессов были отнесены больные с васкулитами, миеломной болезнью, ВИЧ-инфекцией, больные с новообразованием почек (часть из них – ренопривные), больные, перенесшие химиотерапию, имеющие длительный анамнез наркомании и др

Статистическая обработка
Пациенты и количество операций
Виды операций и тип сосудистого доступа у больных
Состоятельность сосудистого доступа и осложнения
Центральные венозные катетеры
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