
The article deals with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the professional situation of people working on the real estate market in Poland. After the introduction of the pandemic state in Poland, the further restrictions had been implemented and Polish economy, including real estate market deteriorated. In 2019, 468.3 thousand transactions were recorded in Poland - the total value exceeds 121.7 billion PLN and has tripled over the last 10 years. (NBP, 2020) The following research question was formulated: how the professional situation on the real estate market has changed in the 2nd quarter of the 2020 in comparison to the previous period. The main objective of the paper is to identify current and future (expected) professional situation on selected market. For the purposes of the research a survey was conducted among 247 representatives of the professions connected with the real estate market: real estate agents, property managers and property valuators and other. Article describes the detailed research outcomes and focuses on such as aspects as collaboration with clients, operating mode, remote work during pandemic. Due to the specific scope of the studies mainly indigenous, Polish sources were used - Polish National Bank (NBP) and Statistics Poland reports and analysis.


  • The real estate market is one of the branches of the economy that is acutely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Dobrowolski, 2020; Musiał & Boroń, 2020; Nosal, 2020; Otto, 2020; PFRN, 2020; PFSRM, 2020; Zhao, 2020) Ongoing public debate and lack of clear conclusions (Business Insider, 2020; Gazeta 2020; Głowacki, 2020; Interia Biznes, 2020; Money, 2020; PFRN, 2020) has contributed to the decision to prepare research connected with the functioning of the professionals on the real estate market

  • Called “new economic reality” (Serwis Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 2020) has created previously unknown conditions for real estate entrepreneurs and companies. (PFRN, 2020) It was decided to form the following research questions: 1) what is the current situation of professionals working on the real estate market, 2) what is the current characteristics of the real estate market in general, 3) what are the future perspectives for the real estate professionals and the market itself?

  • To sum up the obtained results, it should be emphasized that the approach and tool used in the study were aimed at verifying the opinion expressed by people professionally involved in the real estate market

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The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (WHO, 2020), which began in the mid November 2019 in the city of Wuhan in central China (Ma, 2020) and had spread dynamically all around the world has contributed to the deterioration of the worldwide economic growth and economic crisis. (NBP, 2020; Nicola et al, 2020; Statistics Poland, 2020; PAP, 2020; The Economist, 2020) The very first case of the coronavirus infection in Poland was confirmed on March 4th, 2020. (Barteczko & Florkiewicz, 2020; Ministerstwo Zdrowia, 2020) Since different form of restrictions has been implemented – mostly related with the economic activity of companies and social life of citizens. (Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej, 2020; Ministerstwo Zdrowia, 2020) On the March 20th, 2020 state of pandemic was introduced in Poland (Health Minister, 2020), which has been followed with further difficulties for both companies and citizens, and forced changes and the need to accommodate to the new environment and conditions. Called “new economic reality” (Serwis Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 2020) has created previously unknown conditions for real estate entrepreneurs and companies. Due to the wide scope of the presented problem, it was decided to focus on the professional situation of people working in the real estate market only. That is because they are the first to be exposed to the negative outcomes of the ongoing changes, including restrictions related to the professional work. The aim of the article is to evaluate the current and future professional situation of people who work in the real estate market. Due to the practical aspect of the research, the article emphasizes on presenting the empirical results

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