
A recent report by the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO) of the World Health Organization (WHO) brings to the international limelight the possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic originated from an animal or environmental spillover in the Huanan market and in other markets of the Chinese city of Wuhan. This Article has a Twofold Objective: On the one hand, to highlight the opportunity to study the possible link between the onset and spread of the pandemic in the regions of northern Italy and the thriving Chinese community that has resided there for decades through the flow of Chinese citizens traveling from the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport to the Malpensa airport in Milan, as reported by the Customs Agency and on the other hand, after briefly describing the characteristics of the Italian Health System, to highlight the presence of flaws in the Italian Health Surveillance system that must be reviewed especially with regard to the foreign communities residing in Italy.

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