
Seventy-six cases of puerperium following twin pregnancy were studied. The most frequent complication occurring during puerperium was represented by febrile states, the etiology of which was difficult to explain and which required administration of antibiotics. They were observed on 28% of cases. The most important causes of frequent infections in puerperium seem to be a high frequency of obstetric procedures during twin delivery and much slower involution of the uterus after labor. This was reported for fetuses delivered at term as well as for premature labors.Complication in the form of puerperal anemia requiring blood transfusions were observed in 10% of cases. Puerperal eclampsia, bleedings, thrombophlebitis, mastitis, accounted jointly for 7% of puerperal complications. The total percentage of puerperal complications following twin delivery was 45%. This fact indicates the need for careful observation of women in puerperium, broad prophylactic measures, and effective management of possible complications of puerperium in women for whom twin pregnancy and twin delivery per se are a considerable biological stress.

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