
“历史的终结”是对现实的社会历史依照资本的固有逻辑和文化逻辑做出的主观设定,超越资本主义的历史限度,迫切需要从马克思人类解放理论中获取灵感。马克思通过对市民社会的研究,得出了市民社会必然被克服的逻辑结论。而克服市民社会的过程也就是超越政治解放走向人类解放的过程。作为发展过程的“两次飞跃”,政治解放与人类解放在典型意义上使得全部历史被合乎逻辑地分成“三个阶段”:前资本主义、资本主义和共产主义。这三个阶段与马克思提出的社会发展的“三大形态”——人的依赖性社会、物的依赖性社会以及个人全面发展的社会具有内在关联。三大形态理论着眼于人的发展状况与解放程度,决定了人类解放理论同时还兼有社会形态的意义,人类解放的进程与社会形态的嬗变实际是同一个过程。在社会主义自我完善的历史定位中,中华民族在实践与理论的双重探索中寻求人类解放的一种方式,将为人类社会形态的巨大变迁创造一种具有世界历史意义的经验。 The “end of history” is a subjective proposition about actual social history made in light of the intrinsic and cultural logic of capital. It urgently needs to draw on Marx's theory of human emancipation for inspiration to transcend the historical limitations of capitalism. Through study of civil society, Marx came to the logical conclusion that this society will necessarily be overcome. The process of overcoming civil society is at the same time one of transcending political emancipation and advancing towards human emancipation. Political emancipation and human emancipation as the “two leaps forward” in social development make overall history in the sense of types logically divide into three stages, namely pre‐capitalism, capitalism and communism, that are inherently connected with Marx's theory of “three major forms” in social development, i.e. societies respectively featuring personal dependence, objective dependence, and all‐round development of individuals. The fact that this theory is concerned with the circumstances of man's development and the degree of his emancipation determines that the theory of human emancipation also sheds light on the field of social forms, and that human emancipation and the evolution of social form are really two aspects of a single process. With the historical orientation of the self‐improvement of socialism, the Chinese people are seeking, in their theoretical and practical explorations, an approach to realizing human emancipation, one that will offer experience with fresh significance for world history in the huge transition in the form of human society.

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