
This study discusses several finding regarding the value of courage David Kim’s inSearching movie. This study discusses the courage values described by Budiyono(2007: 94) and use a qualitative descriptive method. There are 8 courage valuesobtained and grouped according to courage value theory: (1) Think Carefully andMeasured Before Acting with percentage of 15% consisting of 5 data found, (2)Able to Motivate Others with percentage of 3% consisting of only 1 data that hasbeen found, (3) Always Knew Themselves with percentage of 12% with consistingof 4 data found, (4) Humble with percentage of 21% with consisting of 7 data found,(5) Filling The Soul and Mind With New Knowledge Towards The Right Directionwith percentage of 3% consisting of only 1 data that has been found, (6) Act Realwith percentage of 27% consisting of 9 data found, (7) Consistent with percentageof 6% consisting of 2 data found, (8) The Spirit of Creating Progress withpercentage of 12% with consisting of 4 data found.

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