
The author presents a grim impasse that cannot be resolved without the epic misadventures currently underway. Its socially constructed and institutionalized roots disclose extraordinary accords between corporate functionality and the criminal influence of an exceptional minority of stakeholders referred to as ‘one percent elitists’. As outlined in a previous paper, this trans-national/trans-generational oligarchy scientifically applies subversive methods that displace staple moral and ethical values of the several Higher Cultures that preceded its financial, economic and political hegemony, most especially post WWI. Hence, traditional societies decline as corporate cultures advance the devolution of a global zeitgeist bearing monetized mind-sets that trump social capital and the real values of genuine economic and cultural exchange. Rene Guenon called the application of this processing “a Counter-Tradition that exists only as a parasite on the body of truth as political correctness.” This paper reviews and integrates opinions and observations of moralists, educators, lawyers, social scientists, economists, psychologists, psychiatrists, industrialists, philosophers, wizened scholars, theologians, military officers, journalists and politicians who have wedded Kant’s sensus communis to an amalgam of scientific methods and fertile experience along with a sound grasp of history and knowledge of the human psyche. The author attempts to (a) Describe the genuine value of human trust extending from micro to macro social constructions. (b) Explain how a ‘trust deficit’ unambiguously signifies a dishonourable system of governance that(c) adversely affects the entire range of social relations and beneficial activities from family to state via (d) the founding and maintenance of malefic institutions robed in impunity and protected by pathologic loyalty frameworks. The obvious conclusion and solution is to restrain the appetites and sway of the few in favour of the many, which is certainly not a novel hitch in so ancient a struggle. The question is: How do we glean and reapply what is useful of corporate and social constructionist ideals for the greater benefit of mankind? Some remedies are on offer using traditional Amish protocols, as well as Islamic and Chinese metaphysics and social models.

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