
Editors' Note: Commenting on “The cost of multiple sclerosis drugs in the US and the pharmaceutical industry: Too big to fail?” John R. Tischner, a patient with multiple sclerosis (MS), shares his personal experience with MS and MS drug cost and insurance issues. In response, Hartung et al. again stress the importance of controlling MS drug costs. In the same article, Rittenhouse found an error in table 1, columns 5–7, which should have been labeled “cumulative percent change per year” rather than “annualized changes.” The authors acknowledge this error but also point out that it does not alter their conclusions about the rapid rise in MS drug costs. A correction related to the labeling of table 1 appears on page 1728. The Editors thank Dr. Rittenhouse for noting the error. —Chafic Karam, MD, and Robert C. Griggs, MD I am a 47-year-old man diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in my late 20s. The disease-modifying therapy (DMT) interferon (IFN)-β-1a has improved my quality of life and lessened the impact of my condition on society by allowing me to experience fewer and less serious exacerbations so that I can maintain employment and enjoy self-sufficiency. Three years ago, my insurance held a review which forced me to halt my DMT regimen for a …

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