
Most social aphids are found within plant galls, inside of which clonally-derived family groups feed, and specialized larval castes forego reproduction and perform various cooperative tasks, including group defence. When unrelated aphids move between clones, conditions are ripe for conflict because galls and cooperative defence are shared resources that are vulnerable to exploitation. A key unknown is whether conflict is costly in aphid social groups. We show that diversity within groups is negatively correlated with performance in the North American social aphid, Pemphigus obesinymphae. A substantial fraction of productivity is invested into drifting. However, drifting aphids tend to mature and depart non-natal galls prior to the seasonal peak in fecundity. These results suggest that when unrelated individuals move between groups, social aphids may experience conditions consistent with a tragedy of the commons. These results also emphasize the strongly convergent properties associated with conflict across the spectrum of animal and microbial sociality.

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