
Atopic eczema affects 2.3% of the U.K. population. We have carried out a community study in a semi-rural area to assess its economic impact. One hundred and fifty-five patients with atopic eczema were identified and expenditure was assessed over a 2-month period. The mean personal cost to the patient was pounds 25.90, while the mean cost to the health service was pounds 16.20. There were 58 lost working days and 17 lost school days. A cohort of 10 severely affected patients attending the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh were studied; each patient spent, on average, pounds 325 in 2 months, and lead to a mean health service expenditure per patient of pounds 415, in 2 months. If these results were extrapolated to the U.K. population, the annual personal cost to patients with atopic eczema would be pounds 297m, the cost to the health service would be pounds 125m, and the annual cost to society of lost working days would be pounds 43m, making the total expenditure on atopic eczema pounds 465m.

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