
Concurrent with advancements in cosmology, various theories have been proposed about the origin of the universe or its ultimate fate. These theories include the Steady State Theory, Oscillating Universe Theory or Cyclic model, Multiverse Theory, String Theory/M-Theory, Quantum Gravity or Loop Quantum Cosmology, The Big Bang Theory, Inflationary Universe Theory, and the No-Boundary Proposal. Among these, the Big Bang theory has been widely accepted by most scientists, with the Inflation theory serving as its complementary addition. On the other hand, theories such as the big rip, flat universe, and big crunch have also addressed the ultimate fate of the cosmos. However, T-Consciousness Cosmology presents a new hypothesis to explain how the universe was born from a black hole named the ‘Cosmic Black Hole,’ or the initial seed of the universe. This hypothesis not only addresses how this particular type of black hole forms, contingent on the reversion of the cosmos according to the Spherical Cosmos model but also details its fundamental differences from known black holes, referred to as “intra-cosmic black holes.” The reversion of the cosmos in the ‘Spherical Cosmos Model,’ is described through a mechanism known as space Rebound, which is distinct from the Big Crunch. The Terminal Edge of the cosmos is defined as the maximum radius at which space mesh is capable of rebound during the universe's volume increase. In the process of the rebound of space to its ultimate extent, objects within the cosmos face complete disintegration and transform into waves called absolute waves. Due to the inherent rotation of the cosmos and its reversion from the Terminal Edge, these waves collide and create gravitational centers in the central regions of the spherical cosmos, forming new types of matter known as light-dark matter, dark-dark matter, and thermal matter. Each of these mentioned materials represents a new type of matter introduced by T-Consciousness Cosmology. Additionally, according to this model, the cosmos contracts into a very tiny point with a final quench, where all types of matter and fundamental forces unite, forming a new type of absolute matter called ‘Taheri Absolute Matter’ (TAM). The spherical cosmos model also divides time into various types: ‘Longitudinal’ and ‘Transverse,’ and unlike the theory of relativity, where time is considered a dimension, it classifies it as one of the types of transverse time introduced as an entropic force. In essence, this type of force (time) acts against the force of gravity and, by disintegrating all types of objects from fundamental to large scale, acts as an agent of stress or tension release from the space mesh.

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