
Longshore sandbars along wave-dominated sandy beaches are important for beach-dune system protection during storms. Our analysis is based on 6 years of seasonal and annual bathymetric surveys along 16 km of erosive, stable and accumulative low-lying non-tidal beaches northward of Sf. Gheorghe arm mouth (Danube Delta – Romanian Black Sea coast). Our results show significant correlations established between longshore sandbar crest positions and morphology with more intense coupling between the inner and outer sandbar sub-systems during high-energy conditions and more frequent along the northern erosive sector in comparison with the southern/central accumulative/stable ones. There is a good connection between the long-term shoreline mobility and sandbars offshore migration rates along different sectors of the study area, with faster sandbars movement and shorter cycle return periods along the northern erosive sector in comparison with the central (stable) and southern (accretionary) sectors. The longshore variations of the nearshore slope are the main driver of the relationship between long-term sandbars dynamics and shoreline variability along the study site.

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