
The nursery load is the entire activity or activity done by a nurse during duty at the a nursing service unit. The overall workload is also as a time that can cause a nursion to experience burnout in working. This study aims to determine the relationship of workload with the burnout nurse at Public Health Center Jetis Mojokerto district. The research design research is the correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. Sample in this study as many as 19 respondents. Sampling was done by using total sampling technique. Independent variable of workload and dependent variables burnout. Data was taken using questionnaires. After the data collected by data processing and the continued with Rhodo Spearmen Correlation statistic test with the help of SPSS version 25.0. The result show ρ (0,000) <α (0,05). So H₀ is rejected meaning there is a relationship between workload with the burnout nurse at UPT Puskesmas Jetis Mojokerto district. With a value of r = 0,885 with a custody of the relationship of the relationship is strong. This is because of the number of navigates that are not balanced and the nursing of the nursing activity. The reduce the level of burnout it should be avoided static work attitudes (tense) and persecuted a more dynamic work attitude, so blood circulation and oxygen can run normally throught the limbs.

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