
There are many factors that affect Pencak Silat skills, namely the elements of physical condition and kicks. Based on the background in the introduction, it was found that the frequency of sickle kicks is related to the power of the leg muscles. Purpose. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find out how much there is a correlation between leg muscle power and the frequency of sickle kicks in pencak silat athletes. Material and methods. This type of research is correlational research using a quantitative approach. The population in this study is all pencak silat athletes in the Muna Regency Pencak Sor La Ode Pandu Organization. There were 30 male athletes who were taken as samples through purposive sampling techniques. There are several instruments used to collect data: the vertical jump test to measure leg muscle power and the sickle kick test by counting the number of left and right foot kicks for 30 seconds each to measure the frequency of sickle kicks. Results. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between leg muscle power and sickle kick frequency; this can be seen from the acquisition of sig values. 0.019 < 0.05, and the calculated r value = 0.425 > r table ( 0.05 = 0.361), while the determinant coefficient (R2) = 0.18, which means that the power of the limb muscles contributes to the frequency of sickle kicks by 18%. While 82% is influenced by other elements of physical conditions. Conclusions. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between leg muscle power and the frequency of pencak silat sickle kicks. The sickle kick is a kick that is often used in matches. A good sickle kick certainly requires elements of good physical condition as well. Leg muscle power is one of the elements of physical condition that most determine the outcome of a sickle kick. Good leg muscle power requires a well-defined form of exercise. Exercises such as polymetrics and ballistics can increase leg muscle power. The authors emphasize the importance of further research to expand what they did in this study, including expanding the sample size, other influencing variables, and the role of teachers and trainers in Pencak Silat learning. This needs to be done in depth to validate the results of this study.

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