
Reading is one of four language skills in learning English, so that it is important for the students to learn reading. However, there are many students do not succeed in reading comprehension in descriptive text. Most of the students still face difficulties in reading comprehension. This happens because students' interest in reading is still low. One other problem is that many students lack self-esteem in learning. In this research aims to find out the correlation between students’ self-esteem and their reading comprehension in descriptive text at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 2 Kotabumi Academic Year 2020/2021. Therefore, researcher carried out quantitative research to carry out further research. The population of this research all students of class XI and the researcher took 38 students as research subjects using proportional random sampling to take sample from the research. The instrument used by the researcher was in the form of multiple choice test and a questionnaire. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the product moment correlation with a significance level of 5%. The result of the hypothesis test was found that tobserved 3.137 > ttable 0.681, it showed that tobserved > ttable. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is correlation between students’ self-esteem and reading comprehension in descriptive text at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 2 Kotabumi Academic Year 2020/2021.

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