
The objective of the research was to find out the correlation between the students intelligence and their achievement in learning English at SMPN 27 Makassar. The design of this research was descriptive and employed correlational method. The population of this research was the second year students of SMPN 27 Makassar. The technique of sampling applied cluster random sampling which the total of sample was 20 students. The instruments of this research were IQ test and English test. To find out students achievement in learning English, the researcher tested the students using multiple choice test that consisted of materials from their handbook. To find out the level of students intelligence, the Psychological Department Team of State University of Makassar was given IQ test. To find out the correlation from both variables, the researcher used Pearson r formula. The result of the test shows that most of the students’ intelligence was categorized as dull average and the students’ achievement was 6.35 which is categorized as fair achievement. The result data found that there was no significant correlation between the students’ intelligence level and their achievement in learning English at the second year of SMPN 27 Makassar.


  • Intelligence Level The data analysis shows that the intelligence levels was dominantly in dull average (85%) as indicated by the mean score of intelligence test 82.65, that can be seen in the following calculation

  • The calculating above shows that the mean score of the second year students of SMPN 27 Makassar on IQ test is 82.65

  • It reveals that the second year students of SMPN 27 Makassar have dull average IQ

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The cognitive development is genetically process, which is one process based on biological mechanism, the growth of neutron system. The more the age develops the more complex the neutron systems organize themselves. The process makes the ability and knowledge possible to increase because the intellectual function growth consisting of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation is becoming complex, too. The learning process will follow the pattern and phase of certain development as suitable as the learners’ age. In line with learning a foreign language, the intelligence is a potentiality which is very necessary to be owned by the students. Intelligence covers the capacity of thinking, learning, and understanding something. Smith in Rahmatullah (1997) stated that the students cannot enter the foreign language program unless they have an IQ of at least a hundred and twenty three

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