
<p>目的 : 了解大專棒球野手體能素質與專項技術運動表現之間的關係。方法 : 共 24位大專棒球野手參與,針對棒球野手體能及專項技術進行檢測,體能檢測包含身體組成、柔軟度、上肢/下肢瞬發力、無氧適能、折返跑能力等六項;專項技術檢測包括打擊能力(擊球速度、球棒速度、擊球飛行距離、與擊球仰角)及跑壘速度(本壘至一壘、本壘至二壘、全壘跑)。以無母數檢定 Kruskal-Wallis 單因子變異數分析三個守備位置在體能及棒球專項技術能力之差異,再以皮爾森積差相關分析體能素質與專項技術能力之間的關係。結果 : 內野手、外野手、及捕手三者間在體能素質無顯著差異 (p > .05),在專項技術表現,除了本壘至一壘跑壘秒數內野手與外野手均快於捕手之外 (p < .05),其餘均無顯著差異 (p > .05)。分析大專野手專項技術表現與體能素質兩者之間的關係,以擊球速度與坐姿藥球前丟達顯著正相關;球棒速度與坐姿藥球前丟達顯著正相關;本壘至一壘秒數與坐姿體前彎達顯著正相關;本壘至一壘秒數、本壘至二壘秒數、全壘跑秒數均與垂直跳達顯著負相關、與 30公尺衝刺達顯著正相關;其餘如擊球飛行距離、擊球仰角則與體能素質無顯著相關。結論:研究結果發現大專棒球野手在體能素質中以坐姿藥球前丟的上肢瞬發力、垂直跳的下肢瞬發力、坐姿體前彎的腰背柔軟度、30公尺衝刺的無氧適能與棒球專項技術的擊球速度、球棒速度、與跑壘能力具有相關性,建議在大專棒球野手體能素質檢測項目可進行坐姿藥球前丟、垂直跳、30 公尺衝刺、及坐姿體前彎等四大項目;在專項技術檢測可評估擊球速度、球棒速度、及跑壘速度。另可增加實際場域以錄影觀察擊球員的跑壘、攻擊、及守備觀念並了解動作流暢性。</p> <p> </p><p>Purpose: The research was to understand the relationship between physical qualities and sports performance of college baseball fielders. Methods: 24 college baseball fielders participated in this study and all took physical test and sports skill test. Physical test included body composition, flexibility, power of upper and lower limbs, anaerobic fitness, and shuttle run. Sports skill test included hitting ability (exit velocity, bat speed, hit distance) and base running speed (home to first base, home to second base, and home run). Kruskal-Wallis One-way Analysis of Variance was used to analyze the differences of physical qualities and sports performance among 3 different defensive positions. Pearson Correlation was used to analyze the relationship between physical qualities and sports performance. Results: There was no significant difference in physical fitness among infielders, outfielders, and catchers (p > .05). As for sports skill test, there was no significant difference (p > .05) except that both infielders and outfielders were faster than catchers in home-to-first base seconds (p< .05). Performance of seated medicine ball throw had related with exit velocity and bat speed. Sit and reach test was correlated with the time from home to first base. The time from home to first vase, home to second base, and home run are negatively correlated with vertical jump performance but positively related with 30-meter sprint. Other parameters like hit distance, batting elevation angle were not related with physical qualities. Conclusions: The results of the study found that in the college fielders, power of upper and lower limbs, flexibility of lower back, anaerobic fitness are related to exit velocity, bat speed, and base running speed. Seated medicine ball throw, vertical jump, 30-meter sprint, and sit and reach test are recommended in the physical qualities test. As for the sports skill test, exit velocity, bat speed, and base running speed are recommended being assessed, and recording movement on fields such as base running, attacking, and fielding concepts, could provide information with more details, such as fluency of movement.</p> <p> </p>

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