
The article establishes the particularities of immune system dysfunction in the elderly during formation of a specific immune response to vaccination with a seasonal influenza vaccine depending on the level of seroconversion. The corrective effect of fucoidan — a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown algae Fucus evanescens — was shown in the formation of a spe­cific immune response, accompanied by an increase in the expression of the activation molecules CD69 and CD86 on mono­cytes, a decrease in the expression density of CD20 on B-lymphocytes, and an increase in the relative content of memory cells (CD4 + CD45RO + -T-lymphocytes and cytotoxic CD8 + CD45RO + -T-lymphocytes). Fucoidan extracted from the brown algae Fucus evanescens of the Sea of Okhotsk can be used to increase the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vacci­nation in the elderly.


  • The article establishes the particularities of immune system dysfunction in the elderly during formation of a specific immune response to vaccination with a seasonal influenza vaccine depending on the level of seroconversion

  • The corrective effect of fucoidan — a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown algae Fucus evanescens — was shown in the formation of a specific immune response, accompanied by an increase in the expression of the activation molecules CD69 and CD86 on monocytes, a decrease in the expression density of CD20 on B-lymphocytes, and an increase in the relative content of memory cells (CD4+CD45RO+-T-lymphocytes and cytotoxic CD8+CD45RO+-T-lymphocytes)

  • Fucoidan extracted from the brown algae Fucus evanescens of the Sea of Okhotsk can be used to increase the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in the elderly

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