
The original scientific name of the Black Crake Rallus niger J. F. Gmelin, 1788, a diurnal species of African rail, was supplanted in the mid-19th century by William Swainson, who claimed the original description was unidentifiable. Swainson published two replacement names: Rallus carinatusSwainson, 1836, and Gallinula flavirostraSwainson, 1837, the latter of which is in prevailing usage. Here, I use historical and modern study skins to show that Swainson was confused by post-mortem colour changes and that the original description of R. niger J. F. Gmelin is not ambiguous as claimed. Therefore, according to the principle of priority, the oldest available name for the species is Amaurornis niger (J. F. Gmelin). To resolve this issue, a petition will be filed with the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, to request that the senior synonym be suppressed in the interest of nomenclatural stability.

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