
The peaks of Menina with Vivodnik, Snežni vrh, Globače, Vrtačnik, Ovčji stan, Vetrnik and Petelinjek, as well the area between them consist of Cordevolian (Lover Carnian, Triassic) reef limestone and partly dolomitic limestone, and dolomite with corals Margarophyllia capitata (Münster), Margarosmilia septanectens (Loretz) and Tropidendron sp., sponges Solenolmia manon (Münster) and Alpinothalamia slovenica (Senowbari-Daryan), microproblematicum Ladinella porata (Kraus & Ott) and Plexoramea cerebriformis (Mello). The reef limestone of Menina has the same faunistic characteristics with the same species of corals, sponges and microproblematica as the Cordevolian reef limestone in the northern Julian Alps, which is an indication of a unique sedimentation region for the two areas on the carbonate platform.


  • Teller (1898, 72) je na Menini ugotovil megalodontidni dachsteinski apnenec, ki leži na neprepustnih plasteh in je deloma ekvivalenten z rabeljskimi plastmi pa je zato mogoče ločiti koralni apnenec Vivodnika in Šanc od nižje apnenčeve in dolomitne etaže

  • V tolmaču lista Ljubljana ( Premru, 1983, 22) sta apnenec in dolomit z oznako Тг.з uvrščena v poglavje Srednja in zgornja triada, Menina pa v tem poglavju ni omenjena

  • 1982, Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Ljubljana

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Luka Šribar

Kratka vsebina Vrhovi Menine z Vivodnikom, Snežnim vrhom, Globačami, Vrtačnikom, Ovč­ jim stanom, Vetrnikom in Petelinjekom ter vmesno ozemlje sestoje iz grebenskega cordevolskega (spodnji karnij, trias) apnenca in deloma dolomitnega apnenca ter dolomita s koralami Margarophyllia capitata (Münster), Margarosmilia septanectens (Loretz) in Tropidendron sp., spongijama Solenolmia manon (Münster) in Alpinothalamia slovenica (Senowbari-Daryan), mikroproblematikuma Ladinella porata (Kraus & Ott) in Plexoramea cerebriformis (Mello). Grebenski apnenec Menine ima iste favnistične značilnosti z istimi vrstami koral, spongij in mikroproblematik kot cordevolski grebenski apnenec v severnih Julijskih Alpah in dokazuje isti sedimentacijski prostor obeh ozemelj na karbonatni platformi

Dosedanje ugotovitve
Geološke značilnosti vrha Menine
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