
The converses of these theorems are general not true. If v(z) is positive however, both converses can be proved. One result is that if v(rei6) is a bounded function harmonic IzI <1, and if its boundary function v(O) is defined as the limit, wherever it exists, of v(z) as z-*e@6 in angle, then v(O) is a summable function which is precisely equal to the derivative of its indefinite integral. The converse of Theorem A for positive functions follows readily from known theorems, and it is the main object of this paper to deduce from it a strengthened form of the converse of Theorem B for positive functions. We shall have occasion to use the theorem(') that a harmionic function has the representation (1) if and only if it can be written as the difference of two non-negative (or two positive) harmonic functions. In particular, every positive harmonic function has the representation (1) with V(O) increasing., 2. The converse of Theorem A for positive functions. It will be simplest to infer the converse of Theorem A for positive functions from a series of remarks. (i) The limit (if it exists) V(1)(O) =limt,o [ V(O+t) V(O-t) ]/2t is known as the generalized symmetric derivative of V(O).

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