
The research aimed to identify the values of some kinematic manifestations (kinetic transfer between body parts, and kinetic flow in terms of the change in momentum of the force characteristic of speed) and the values of performance skills (delivery and receipt, movement towards the ball line, and defensive movements front side back) for young handball players, and to identify the relationship and contribution of each of the kinetic transport between parts of the body and the kinetic flow in terms of the change in momentum of the force characteristic of speed by performing each of the skills (delivery and receipt, movement towards the ball line, and defensive movements Front side back) for young handball players, and the descriptive approach was adopted in the style of correlation relations on the research sample (20) players by (76.923%) deliberately selected from their original community The community represented by the handball players in the two clubs (Army and Police) in Baghdad participating in the sports season competitions (2023-2024), numbering (26) players, Tests were conducted to photograph the technical performance of each player and presented it to three evaluators, and from this same imaging, measurements of momentum transfer between parts of the body, and kinetic flow were taken by the kinetic analysis program (Dart fish-Team Pro 5_full version), in synchronization with the main section with each of the three skills, as the survey continued over two consecutive days corresponding to the date (15-16/12/2023), and the researcher verified the processing of the extracted data using the (SPSS) system to be the conclusions and applications that the kinetic transfer Between the parts of the body of the force characteristic of speed is associated with and contributes to improving the technical performance of each of the skills (delivery and receipt, moving towards the ball line, and defensive movements front side back) and affects them directly, The kinetic flow in terms of the change in momentum of the force characteristic of speed is related to and contributes to improving the technical performance of each of the skills (delivery and receipt, movement towards the ball line, and defensive movements front side back), and it is necessary to pay attention to the planning and application of training curricula that take into account the integration of harmonization in the positive impact of the relationship and the contribution of kinetic transport between parts of the body, and kinetic flow in terms of the change in momentum of the force characterized by speed by performing each of the skills (delivery and receipt, movement towards the ball line, and defensive movements). front side back) for young handball players.

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