
"Mahasantri" is a term for students who live in boarding schools. Mahasantri has a dual role as a college and boarding school student. This dual role is more challenging than students in general. Students need academic hardiness so that both roles can be achieved well. Psychological well-being is needed to spur academic hardiness, control the environment, and think positively when facing challenges. This study aimed to analyze the contribution of Psychological Well-being to the Academic Hardiness of Mahasantri. The research method used is quantitative correlation. The participants used were 35 mahasantri in Ponpes Luqman AL-Hakim Semarang, Indonesia. The instruments used in the study were adaptations of Riff's psychological well-being scale and Creed's academic hardiness scale—data analysis techniques using simple linear regression tests. The results showed that the r-square value = .601 means that psychological well-being influences 60.1% of academic hardiness mahasantri.

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