
Abstract: Pregnancy is one of the most significant stages in a woman's life. It refers to the time when a fetus develops inside a woman's uterus or womb. The gestation period lasts around 40 weeks from the beginning of the last menstrual period(LMP). Ayurved has mentioned a novel concept known as Oja. Oja is one of the most crucial component responsible for the up keep and nourishment of life. It is supposed to be in the heart and operates through out the entire body. Oja manages and oversees the body's whole operational system. Different Acharyas have identified Oja as Sarvadhatu Sara (essence of all Dhatus), Shukravishesha(energy), Jeevashonita (blood), Prana (vital energy), Bala(strength), Shleshma(mucus), Jeeva(life),Ushma (warmth) and so on. They have also considered Oja as Upadhatu (sub tissue) and its Vikruta Avastha (disorder)is Mala. Ayurveda explains the significance of Oja in the process of fertilisation, implantation, growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy. We can reconcile the current concept of immuno - modulation in pregnancy with our ancient theory of Oja. According to contemporary science,the immune system plays an important role in the preservation of pregnancy.

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