
The development of cocoa as an export commodity has become an important issue in the global trade sector, where cocoa is one of the export commodities. The implementation of a sustainable certification program with fermentation processing is very important, this is because consumers' demands are increasingly critical, especially in the aspects of quality, health and product safety to how the product can be socially beneficial and not cause negative impacts on the environment.
 The study was conducted on sustainable certification cocoa farmers in Jembrana Regency. Determination of respondents carried out intentionally (purposive sampling) as many as 40 respondents did cocoa fermentation and as many as 30 respondents who did not ferment cocoa taken by survey methods. Data analysis techniques using different test analysis and value added analysis using the Hayami method. 
 The results showed that the income of cocoa farmers experienced a significant increase in the fermentation and non-fermentation processing. The fermentation production process with an output of 118 kg gets a profit of Rp. 8.911,- with a percentage or level of profit of 39,27 percent of the output value of Rp. 20.911, so from the calculation of profit margins in the cocoa fermentation process the net profit received by farmers is Rp. 8.065,- per production process. Based on the analysis of farmer's income and analysis of added value of cocoa fermentation shows that there is an increase in farmer's income and there is added value obtained by farmers who carry out cocoa fermentation, it provides benefits for cocoa farmers in Jembrana District in addition to increasing income, cocoa added value, and can maintain quality cocoa. It is expected that farmers who participate in certification will conduct fermentation processing to maintain the quality of cocoa beans and increase income, it is necessary to support from local and provincial governments as well as other parties as a steakholder providing technical guidance to cocoa farmers.


  • Perkembangan kakao sebagai komoditi ekspor menjadi isu penting di sektor perdagangan global, dimana kakao merupakan salah satu komoditi ekspor

  • The results showed that the income of cocoa farmers experienced a significant increase in the fermentation and non-fermentation processing

  • Beberapa Komponen Fisikokimia Kakao Fermentasi dan Non Fermentasi

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Latar Belakang

Perkembangan kakao sebagai komoditi ekspor menjadi isu penting di sektor perdagangan global, hal ini dikarenakan tuntutan konsumen yang semakin kritis terutama dalam aspek kualitas, kesehatan dan keamanan produk sampai kepada bagaimana produk tersebut dapat bermanfaat secara sosial dan tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Indonesia sebagai penghasil biji kakao ketiga terbesar di dunia, dimana tiga negara yang mendominasi lebih dari 75% pasar kakao di dunia pada tahun 2018 adalah Ghana, Pantai Gading dan Indonesia. Penurunan produksi kakao terjadi pada tahun 2010, hal ini disebabkan oleh umur tananaman yang semakin tua dan serangan dari hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK) terus menyebar. Program tersebut diantaranya adalah Sekolah Lapang oleh dinas kabupaten dan provinsi menjalankan program gerakan serentak pengendalian (Gertakdal) PBK, Gerakan Nasional (Gernas) kakao dan program sertifikasi berkelanjutan sebagai pelengkap dari seluruh tahapan proses yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya oleh komponen terkait pelaksanaan program sertifikasi berkelanjutan (Diego, 2019; Ginting, et al, 2019). Kualitas kakao yang difermentasi akan berpengaruh pada aroma, warna, dan harga biji kakao

Rumusan Masalah
Karakteristik Responden
Biaya Produksi
Biaya total Keuntungan
Analisis Pendapatan Petani
Proses Fermentasi
Analisis Nilai Tambah Fermentasi Kakao
Pendapatan dan Keuntungan
Manfaat Pengolahan Fermentasi Kakao
Simpulan dan Saran
Daftar Pustaka
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