
Background: One of the goals of Oncologic Networks is to organize training courses for operators involved in the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways of cancer patients, in order to update everyone of them about innovations introduced every year. Methods: We yearly plan a training offer, both as residential and “on field” education, allowing to earn credits within the “continuos medical education program”. These courses have the dual purpose of technical-scientific updating and of raising relational and communicative skills. Results: During 2017 the Oncology Network of Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta has organized 31 residential courses: 7 dedicated to medical doctors, 10 to nurses, 5 to district directors and territorial nurses, 2 to biomedical lab technician, 7 to psycho-oncologist, administrative employees and social assistants. Reguarding “on field education”, 32 courses have been conducted, carachterized by 5 lessons/year and 20 CME credits: 18 for cancer-site specific groups, including 2 for hematologists, 5 for groups engaged in trasversal topics such as cardiooncology, support therapies, late toxicities, geriatric oncology and palliative care, 1 for nurses and 1 for hospital pharmacists. Moreover, 8 study groups composed of pathologists have been formed to allow clinical cases discussions and to enhance diagnostic uniformity. 108 recommandations and 17 consensus documents have been drafted during the last 5 years, and they are entirely published on Oncology Network web site (www.reteoncologica.it). Since 2016, P.I.C.O. System has been applied to draw up consensus documents. Conclusions: Continuous medical education is an effective and basic tool to enhance operators' knowledge. It allows to decrease mistakes and time and money waste, to improve and uniformate clinical assistance; training enables operators to acquire high innovative value interventions and to recognizetheir limits. Patients benefit by CME programs, and their negative experiences can reduce.

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