
The Clayton anti-trust act a landmark in the struggle, 235. — Employers organize to resist trade unions, 236. — Necessity of carrying the struggle into politics and legislation, 236. — Bearing of the Sherman act upon the situation, 237. — The National Association of Manufacturers, its growth and activities, 238. — The activities and disclosures of Mulhall, 240. — The American Federation of Labor goes into politics, 244. — Parliamentary tactics, 246. — The National Council for Industrial Defense, 247. — The American Antiboycott Association and the legal phase of the struggle, 249. — Victory at first with the employers, 249. — Organized begins to make gains after 1908, 251. — Three types of labor bills, 254. — Progress in legislation with all three types, 255. — Labor sections in the Clayton act, 258.

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