
This paper considers the design process of the Memorial Hall for Great Kanto Earthquake, which constructed in 1930. Tokyo Metropolitan Government planned a park and the Memorial Hall to commemorate the earthquake and the victim at the old army clothing depot (Honjo Ward), the most severely damaged area by fire whirlwinds. The Memorial Hall is well known for Chuta Ito's design based on the traditional Japanese style, entirely different from the design of the Prizewinners in the Competition. In prewar period, it was common that the design of the Prizewinners in the Competitions changed willfully by the host organization. However, it was unclear how many times the Memorial Hall's design changed to Ito's, which have evaluated as ‘Nihon-Shumi(Japan-Taste)’ style. Therefore, for this study, the main purpose is to clarify the process of the Memorial Hall's design changes through its design process. In this study, the news articles are used as the main requirements to analyze the general's opinion about the construction of the Memorial Hall, and 198 pieces of articles were collected by the newspaper; Asahi, Yomiuri, Tokyo Nichinichi, Miyako which published in Tokyo and throughout Japan, from 1923 to 1930. As a result, it clarifies that the Memorial Hall's design changed 8 times, and Toshikata Sano and Chuta Ito led the design change. First, Toshikata Sano who was a director, Bureau of Transportation Tokyo Metropolitan Government, wanted to get the idea about the Memorial Hall's design and the way of pray for victims of earthquake through the Competition. Sano wanted modern design to the Memorial Hall, so he recommended the modern design that won the first prize in the competition. However, the Buddhist Association, patron on the construction plan of the Memorial Hall, wanted Japanese Buddhist temple style to the Memorial Hall. In addition, many inhabitants in Honjo Ward wanted the Memorial Hall's design as the Japanese ossuary. Therefore, The Great Kanto Earthquake Association decided to change the Memorial Hall's design based on the traditional Japanese style by making several consultations. Finally, Ito designed the Memorial Hall. The design mixed various design style; Japanese Buddhist temple, Chinese Buddhist temple, Indian Buddhist temple, and Classicism. From these design process, it makes clear that the public wanted the new religious architecture based on traditional Japanese style to Memorial Hall for Great Kanto Earthquake, and the Memorial Hall constructed to reflect the public opinions and Ito's design concept; eclecticism, also ‘Nihon-Shumi(Japan-Taste)’ style.

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