
Children’s literature is often used as a medium for teaching values, for example
 religious values, in order to shape children’s character based on the understanding or
 ideology of certain groups. Through religious-based children’s literature, the figure of
 a religious ideal child was created and called a pious child. This example is applied by
 Salafi Islamic groups in Indonesia. The group that bases its teachings from the Salaf
 creates Islamic children’s book genre called ”Sunna children’s book”. The method
 used in this article is library-based qualitative research. Studies of pious character
 in European minority Muslim children’s literature have been widely carried out by
 Green-Oldendorf (2011), Shavit (2016) and Janson (2017), while studies of pious children
 in Indonesian contexts have only been done little, including this article. Textual study on
 the construction of pious children character is carried out according to the concept of
 ideal child in children’s literature by Purbani (2009), children book illustration and visual
 by Nodelman (2004), and pious Muslim child and childhood by research approach
 (Hendra-Priadi, 2019 and Scourfield et. al., 2013). The result of the research shows
 that pious children are represented through the main character who is very diligent
 in worshiping, behaving well, and obedient to parents. In addition, the construction of
 pious children in Serial Salman dan Hamzah is based on Salafi ideology concept of
 tarbiyah (education) that textually refers to the Quran and Hadith.

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