
The 21st Century is the century of the oceans. The international political patterns are undergoing profound changes. The importance of the oceans in international politics, economies, security, science, technology and other fields, is increasing day by day. The disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime boundary delimitation are becoming increasingly acute, which affect relationships between States. At the regional level, cooperation and competition coexist in the field of marine affairs, which is closely related to regional peace and stability. At the global level, the posturing around the new ocean rules is intensifying and the peaceful, fair and sustainable development and utilisation of the ocean is of considerable importance. On 4th December 2020, the 8th Forum on Regional Cooperation in the South China Sea--the Symposium on Construction and Governance of International and Regional Maritime Security Order, was held in Wenchang, Hainan Province. Experts from universities and research institutions gathered to discuss issues related to international and regional ocean governance.

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