
According to Jung, the 'mana personality' represents an archetypal phase of the individuation process of remarkable interest in psychological, hermeneutic and theoretical terms. This figure is characterized by a high initiatic potential that fosters the approximation of the consciousness of the Self. At the same time, it entails a risk of psychic inflation or of 'similarity to God'. In this article, divided in two parts, I deal with those aspects through a reconstruction of the development of this notion within Jung's published works, adopting a primarily chronological and, secondarily, thematic approach moving from a textual analysis of relevant passages. In this first part, I consider some passages which deal mainly with the risks of the assimilation of the unconscious in 'La structure de l'inconscient' (1916) that preceded the successive proper treatment of the mana personality's notion presented, and here examined, in 'The relations between the ego and the unconscious' (1928). Successively, I take into consideration some further issues related to it discussed by Jung in 'The structure of the psyche' (1928/1931), 'Archaic man' (1931), and 'Nietzsche's Zarathustra'.

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