
Massive obstetric hemorrhage is one of the most threatening complications of pregnancy, delivery and early postpartum period, which are part of the triad of leading causes of maternal mortality both in the world and in the Russian Federation. In recent years, to stop coagulopathy, which is one of the clinical manifestations of massive obstetric hemorrhage, recombinant and plasma factors of the blood coagulation system are successfully used, which include a concentrate of prothrombin complex and activated coagulation factor VII (eptacog alfa activated). The authors present results of successful consistent use of the blood coagulation system factors within comprehensive intensive care of coagulopathy in a patient with massive obstetric hemorrhage.


  • Massive obstetric hemorrhage is one of the most threatening complications of pregnancy, delivery and early postpartum period, which are part of the triad of leading causes of maternal mortality both in the world and in the Russian Federation

  • Нормализация гемостаза или остановка кровотечения была достигнута у 7 из 10 детей (70%), получивших эптаког-альфа активированный, и у 18 из 25 детей (72%), получивших концентрат протромбинового комплекса, т. е. оба препарата оказались одинаково эффективны

  • To stop coagulopathy, which is one of the clinical manifestations of massive obstetric hemorrhage, recombinant and plasma factors of the blood coagulation system are successfully used, which include a concentrate of prothrombin complex and activated coagulation factor VII

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Massive obstetric hemorrhage is one of the most threatening complications of pregnancy, delivery and early postpartum period, which are part of the triad of leading causes of maternal mortality both in the world and in the Russian Federation. The authors present results of successful consistent use of the blood coagulation system factors within comprehensive intensive care of coagulopathy in a patient with massive obstetric hemorrhage. Пациентка переведена в палату реанимации и интенсивной терапии для динамического наблюдения с рекомендациями продолжения антибактериальной терапии сочетанием цефтриаксона 2 г/сут и метронидазола 1 500 мг/сут, обезболивания наркотическими анальгетиками, утеротонической терапии окситоцином по 5 ед 2 р/сут и профилактики венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений дальтепарином 5 000 ед/сут с началом через 6 ч после окончания оперативного родоразрешения.

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