
The Arab region is rich in biological, natural, and cultural resources. With more than 5,000 recorded species of plants, more than 10,000 species of animals, and five of the world’s 34 internationally recognized biodiversity hotspots, the Arab region boasts a diverse natural ecosystem. In addition to the variety of species and ecosystems, Arab countries are home to a wide variety of important cultural sites and monuments. There are about 33 biosphere reserves in 12 countries in the Arab states, which make the region an important destination for tourism. However, many of the natural and cultural resources in the Arab world currently face complex threats. Due to over exploitation, unsustainable resource utilization, conflicts, wars, and illicit trade in rare plants and animal species, a number of plant and animal species in the Arab region appear in the IUCN threat categories. This chapter examines key international and regional frameworks that govern the management of biological and cultural resources in the Arab region. It then examines the application of these international and regional frameworks at national levels in Arab states. The chapter discusses influential legislation and policies on conservation of nature and cultural heritage across the region.

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