
The connections between nuclei of the septum-diagonal band complex and the clusters of histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamic region were studied with a dual-labeling procedure in which anterograde neuroanatomical tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin was combined with immunohistochemistry of histidine decar☐ylase. Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin was injected in the medial and lateral septal nuclei and in various parts of the nuclei of the diagonal band of Broca. The fibers arising from the medial and lateral septal nuclei traverse the vertical limb of the diagonal band and, in part, join the medial forebrain bundle in the preoptic area. Other fibers descend diffusely through the lateral hypothalamus to the posterior hypothalamus, or course in a bundle of fibers ensheathing the fornix. The nuclei of the diagonal band project via the medial forebrain bundle and the diffuse pathway to the posterior hypothalamic region. All the nuclei of the septum-diagonal band complex, with the exception of the medial and lateral parts of the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, project to clusters of histaminergic neurons. These projections exhibit the following arrangement: along the axis lateral septal nucleus-medial septal nucleus-vertical limb of the diagonal band-medial part of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, the septohypothalamic fibers decrease in density and distribute to fewer clusters of histaminergic neurons. Varicosities on the labeled fibers are formed in close proximity to the cell bodies and dendrites of the histaminergic neurons.

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