
The circadian rhythm is an essential biological mechanism that uses the 24-hour geophysical cycle to regulate thebody’s physiological and behavioral processes. It operates on a complex molecular interaction system that coordinatesgene expression, protein synthesis, and post-translational modifications. Disruption of this rhythm due to jet lag, shiftwork, and other unhealthy lifestyles has been linked to various health disorders, including cancer. Recent studies havesuggested a strong association between circadian disruption and development cancers, such as breast cancer, lungcancer, and glioblastoma. Understanding the connection between circadian disruption and cancer and the mechanismsunderlying this connection is essential for developing new cancer therapies. In this review, we provide an updatedaccount of key circadian mechanisms and their regulations on human health. We examine the adverse impact ofcircadian disruption on health using lung cancer and glioblastoma as case studies. Finally, we also discuss the potentiallypromising cancer treatment of chronotherapy, which targets components of the circadian cycle. We believe that futureresearch into circadian rhythm and cancer would encourage the progression into a new era of cancer medicine.

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