
Bukit Basa Limited Production Forest covers 125 hectares, located in Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The main function of limited production forest is to yield forest products, timber and non timber. In Bukit Basa Limited Production Forest, there has been a change of land use from forest land to a crop land. There has been conflict in this forest area. The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of communities cutivating forest land and to suggest conflict resolution of this forest area. The data were collected by field observation, and interview. The accidental sampling technique was used to select 42 respondents. Legal approaches were used to find solutions to the tenurial conflict. The results showed that land use of Bukit Basa Limited Production Forest, in 2017 was entirely crop land. All of this forest areas have been illegaly occupied by people. The average land area of occupied by a household was 1.24 ha. The people acquired their land by buying (4.76%), renting (21.43%), clearing the forest (42.86%), and inheriting (30.95%). The dependence of this community on the forest area was quite high. Only 38.10% of them had agricultural land outside the forest area; 61.9% depended on the land in the forest area. The contribution of farmers' incomes from agricultural business in forest land was 77.22% of their total income. The legalization of the use of limited production forests as crop lands must be enforced through policy schemes of community-based forest management, such as community forests, village forests, community plantations forest, or partnerships.


  • The results showed that land use of Bukit Basa Limited Production Forest, in 2017 was entirely crop land

  • Tingkat Ketergantungan Masyarakat terhadap Kawasan Hutan di Desa Borisallo Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten Goa Sulawesi Selatan

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Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kawasan HPT

Kondisi lahan garapannya pada kawasan hutan ini. Untuk mengembalikan fungsi hutan produksi sebagai penghasil kayu dan sekaligus sumber pangan bagi masyarakat perlu dilakukan pengaturan pengelolaan kawasan hutan melalui skema legal dari pemerintah, yakni pengelolaan hutan berbasis masyarakat. Untuk setiap responden yang terpilih, dilakukan wawancara tentang kondisi sosial ekonominya dan pengamatan terhadap lahan garapannya. Data yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif meliputi kondisi sosial dan ekonomi penggarap, letak dan luas lahan garapan, pola pengolahan lahan, dan jenis tanaman di lahan garapan. Klasifikasi petani penggarap hutan berdasarkan kelompok umur disajikan pada Tabel 1, yang menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada responden usia belum produktif yang menggarap lahan di dalam kawasan hutan, sekitar 97,6% respondennya masuk dalam usia produktif, dan hanya 2,4% yang tidak produktif. Karakteristik petani penggarap berdasarkan kelompok umur yang dirilis oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup

Tidak Produktif
Tingkat Pendidikan
Perguruan Tinggi
Domisili Petani Penggarap Masyarakat petani penggarap di kawasan
Kondisi Lahan dan Jenis Tanaman Lahan garapan yang terletak di HPT Bukit
Kesimpulan Tutupan vegetasi di Hutan Produksi
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