
This paper examines how the conflict pyramid, originally defined and used by Richard Cohen, can be used as a model to describe the relations between different conflict resolution education programs and activities included in the programs. The central questions posed in the paper are: How can Richard Cohen’s conflict pyramid be used as a model for describing the relations between different programs and activities? In what way do we need to elaborate the conflict pyramid? How can the elaborated conflict pyramid help teachers and teacher training students to sort out what or which programs and activities to implement and use in school? The number of different conflict resolution education programs has increased immensely over the years. There is a large variety of programs and no systematic way of choosing which one to use in school. Elements of the different programs sometimes overlap but programs are still not alike. Not surprisingly, teachers and other adults in schools often raise the question of what conflict resolution program they should use. Cohen visualises the ideal system of conflicts and conflict resolutions in school environments as a pyramid with four levels: conflict prevention, conflict management, third party support and, finally, stopping destructive conflicts by means of arbitration. This article contains theoretical reflections, developed through a literature study, in order to examine and discuss the use and potential use of this model.

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