
The subject. The article is devoted to analysis and classification of different constitutional
 and municipal legal rules that may cause and resolve the constitutional conflicts.
 The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that there is a set of constitutional and municipal legal rules with common conflict initiation nature as well as with
 common conflict resolution nature.
 The methodology of the study includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, description) and legal interpretation of Russian Constitution and laws.
 The main results, scope of their application.
 There is a whole set of legal norms in constitutional and municipal law, that focus on the
 conflict component due to the conflict nature of the constitutional act itself as the basic law
 of the country. They need to be studied and classified due to the different content and legal
 nature of these rules. The author attempts to research the constitutional and municipal
 legal norms that may cause and resolve the constitutional conflicts, offers their classification on certain grounds, analyzes scientific researches on this topic. Constitutional and municipal legal rules that may cause and resolve the constitutional conflicts can be classified
 for two types depending on their content: rules generating constitutional conflicts and rules
 that establish methods and principles for resolving constitutional conflicts.
 Conclusion. The constitutional and legal rules that give rise to constitutional and legal conflicts include the norms of constitutional law that enshrine constitutional values that are in
 a state of real or imaginary competition.
 The norms that establish ways to resolve a constitutional and legal conflict include: 1) collision rules of constitutional and municipal law – rules determining which legal regulation
 should be applied to the relevant conflict legal relationship. They have a reference character
 and are applied only together with substantive legal norms that resolve the issue; 2) constitutional and municipal regulations governing the methods and principles for the resolution of constitutional conflicts.


  • Constitutional and municipal law, like any branch, is a system of legal norms that regulate certain social relations

  • These constitutional and, in certain cases, municipal norms of law belong to different classifications, are both regulatory and protective norms, but they are United in a certain set by a certain conflictological essence, defined as the ability of constitutional and municipal legal norms: - create a constitutional and legal conflict; - regulate the constitutional and legal conflict; - establish ways to resolve the constitutional and legal conflict

  • In constitutional and municipal law, there are norms that focus on the conflict component, which is primarily due to the conflict essence of the constitutional act itself – the basic law of the country

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Constitutional and municipal law, like any branch, is a system of legal norms that regulate certain social relations. Public relations of a conflict type are regulated by the relevant legal norms, which: - contain the cause of the constitutional and legal conflict and are conflictogens; - establish ways to resolve the constitutional and legal conflict. The definition of these norms as constitutional and municipal norms of conflictological type aims to separate a group of conflict-related legal norms in order to study them in the systemic unity of causes and consequences within the framework of constitutional conflictology [1, p.46]. The legal causes of the conflict in constitutional law, ways of resolving it, and legal forms mediating the constitutional-legal conflict were not considered.

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