
People and animals sometimes associate events that never occurred together. These false memories can have disastrous consequences, yet little is known about the conditions under which they form. In four experiments, we investigated how rats learn to fear a context in which they have never experienced danger (i.e., how they form a false context fear memory). In each experiment, rats were pre-exposed to a context on day 1, shocked in a similar-but-different context on day 2, and tested in the pre-exposed or explicitly-conditioned context on day 3. The results revealed that: (1) the true memory of the explicitly-conditioned context and false memory of the pre-exposed context develop simultaneously and independently; and (2) the conditions of pre-exposure on day 1 and time of shock exposure on day 2 interact to determine the strength of the false memory. These findings are anticipated by a recent computational model, the Bayesian Context Fear Algorithm/Automaton (BACON; Krasne, Cushman, & Fanselow, 2015). They are discussed in relation to this model and more general theories of context learning.

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