
Diffuse telogenetic alopecia is a polyethological disease accompanied by a disruption in the operation of the hair follicles cells and leading, in the future, to the growth cycle failure and development of the hair, which subsequently leads to thinning and excessive hair loss. The results of the study of psychoemotional disorders in patients with telogen hair loss identified by integrated analysis of anamnestic data, patient’s complaints, the survey using validated psychotherapeutic tests and subsequent consultation with a doctor-psychotherapist are presented. The relationship between personality type, psychological state and the severity of clinical manifestations was detected. The dominant triggering factors of development of diffuse alopecia severe forms were determined. The relationship between the severity of clinical manifestations and the position was found. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, literature review and the example of two clinical cases of patients with diffuse telogenous alopecia was shown the importance of identifying correction of alexithymia and depression with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of therapy.

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