
Concussion may lead to subtle changes in brain function, and tests involving the visual system probe higher cortical functioning and increase our sensitivity in detecting these changes. Concussions are acutely and sometimes more persistently associated with abnormalities in balance, cognition, and vision. The visual system involves roughly half of the brain's circuits, including many regions susceptible to head impacts. After a concussion, the neuro-ophthalmologic exam commonly detects abnormalities in convergence, accommodation, the vestibulo-ocular reflex, ocular muscle balance, saccades, and pursuit. The King-Devick (K-D) test is a visual performance measure that may increase the sensitivity of detecting concussions on the sideline when used in combination with tests of cognition and balance that are part of the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool (3rd ed.; SCAT3). Portable eye movement trackers and pupillometry may in the future improve our neuro-ophthalmic assessment after concussions. Combining visual tasks with neuroimaging and neurophysiology has allowed subtle changes to be detected, may refine our ability to make appropriate return-to-play decisions, and could potentially determine susceptibility to long-term sequelae of concussion.

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