
SOKOL Mariana – Candidate of Philology, Ternopil State Medical University, Kachaly str., 1/41, Teropil, 46000, Ukraine (maryanasokol@ukr.net)ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3876-026XResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-4104-2018DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140938To cite this article: Sokol, M. (2018). The conceptual analysis of the concept «education». Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika» – Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy», 7/39, 224–236. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140938 [in English].Article historyReceived: 16 April 2018Received in revised form: 8 Juny 2018Accepted: 10 July 2018Available online: 12 September 2018 Abstract. The problem of conceptual analysis of the concept «education» is analyzed in the article. It explores the meaning of conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogical science. The problem of notions’ explication is one of the priorities of teaching pedagogy. Notions explanation is a necessary condition for learning and building theoretical models, understanding the processes of education and training in the dynamics and perspective. The aim of the article is to explain the concept «education» and the basic problems of conceptual-categorical apparatus determination. The main similarities and differences of concept «education»» interpretation are analyzed. The formation peculiarities of the concept «education» in philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy are characterized. It is emphasized that the formation of a conceptual system is in constant development and it follows the cyclic spiral of social evolution. The positively-progressive nature of development process of pedagogical conceptual-categorical apparatus is associated not only with the change of the empirical industry, its vision in a different perspective, but also with the introduction of new elements in it, the further improvement of scientific and pedagogical concepts as tools for pedagogy conceptualization.The need to study the system of basic pedagogical concepts is due to the growing role of the conceptual-categorical apparatus in order to study the historical-pedagogical process. Scientific and pedagogical knowledge as a product of culture and its interaction with the social, natural, informational environment is always in constant development, which imitates the cyclic spiral of social evolution. It develops in two ways: firstly, evolutionary, as the perception and development of knowledge of previous generations in national pedagogical cultures; and secondly, it is jump-free and discrete. In the pedagogical science there are transformations of a global scale, which form a unified system of concepts due to a special type of human activity, that is, professional activity on the exchange of conceptual elements of the international educational system, which can take place only in the form of communications – simple or complex, informational and many other components.The operation of concepts is a prerequisite for the study and construction of theoretical models, as well as for the study of educational processes in dynamics and prospects. We believe that the very understandable system of concepts creates a conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogical science. The study of the historical features of the system of pedagogical concepts in the history of the development of pedagogical science will positively influence the decision of the pedagogical problem of systematization of knowledge about the conceptual-categorical apparatus and will improve the intellectual level of society. Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to my scientific supervisor – Head of the department of Psycological and Pedagogical Sciences professor Anatoliy Vykhrushch.Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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