
Calling some nations an enemy and others a friend is an effective manipulative tool with US presidents. It helps them keep the public unaware of the real state of affairs as people are gullible and would trust anything the leader of the nation may say, it enables him to build up the right policy, and, ultimately, secures him power as long as he can cajole people into voting for him. Alliances with other countries and presidents are made and broken due to the political and economic situation in a country. This makes the number of enemies and allies varying from year to year and today’s ally may be tomorrow’s enemy. This article discusses shifts in the concepts FRIEND and FOE in American presidential rhetoric between 2001 and 2018. The communications under analysis include presidential inaugural addresses, addresses to Congress, UN General Assembly, NATO headquarters, US Senate, Democratic National Convention, Economic Crisis speeches, commencement speeches, press conferences, interviews, and debates. The analysis applies a framework approach originated by Charles Fillmore and elaborated by Russian scholars. It is argued that the friend-foe opposition in American presidential rhetoric is subject to change as presidents may pursue different strategies of self-presentation and self-affirmation, not to mention manipulative tactics designed to promote the USA in the geopolitical arena and keep any country under control.

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