
Sovereignty of the people is a principle embedded in paragraph IV of the preamble to the opening of the 1945 Constitution. However, the concept of popular sovereignty developed in Indonesia is a different concept from that developed in the West according to Rousseau's teachings. This research is doctrinal legal research using a historical approach and a conceptual approach, namely the idea of people's sovereignty based on Hatta's thoughts as one of the founding figures of the nation. Where the results of the research illustrate that the concept of popular sovereignty developed in Indonesia must be rooted in indigenous Indonesian cultures that have a collectivist pattern, collectivism is here seen as a way to accommodate the diversity of people in Indonesia who are bound by their respective regional characteristics. Conceptually, the people's sovereignty adopted by the Indonesian state contains 5 principles which are grouped into 2 basic principles, namely the essential principle which contains the principle of freedom and the principle of equality, as well as the procedural principle of implementing people's sovereignty which includes the principle of majority vote, the principle of accountability, and the principle of territoriality. The territorial principle is a finding developed from one of the ideals of popular sovereignty for Hatta, namely eliminating cultural nationalism, so that democracy can develop in a button-up manner that accommodates the noble values that exist in Indonesian society.

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