
<p class="p2">Yajna is a sacrifice made by every human being with a sincere sense. Yajna has an important influence in living everyday life. In practice, yajna is not only measured by material things, but yajna can also be offered in a non-material or spiritual form. The concept of yajna can not only be seen and learned from the implementation of the ceremony, but the concept of yajna also contained in many Hindu sacred literature such as Varaha Purana. Varaha Purana is a sacred text that tells about the greatness of Lord Vishnu. In this text Lord Vishnu is incarnated in the form of a wild boar. Varaha purana has a connection with Varaha Yajna's conception, which yajna here has dynamic power in the creation of the cosmos. While varaha is the power that lifts the earth from destruction and destruction. The concept of yajna is widely discussed in this Purana. Various types of yajna are explained in this purana such as worshiping Lord Vishnu, giving love to parents, sharing alms with poor people, carrying out ceremonies to ancestors, and doing Dana Punia (good and holy gift). Yajna itself has a very big impact and influence on social life in society, religius life on each individual or group and also the impact of harmony. The method used in this research is descriptive method that will systematically describe the concept of yajna in Varaha Purana.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>

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